I do not know if you received my post or not on my web-site. But here is some information for you.
I have yet to find one web-site that posts the whole set of the Poem. So far, I have only read part of the first set. Online, here are the following web-sites to look at:
http://www.valtorta.org/ - This one in English
The next one posts almost all of the sets, but it is in French!
Very nicely done!You would enjoy the book, Hail, Holy Queen by Scott Hahn! Wishing you a grand day! Cathy
ReplyDeleteI do not know if you received my post or not on my web-site. But here is some information for you.
I have yet to find one web-site that posts the whole set of the Poem. So far, I have only read part of the first set. Online, here are the following web-sites to look at:
http://www.valtorta.org/ - This one in English
The next one posts almost all of the sets, but it is in French!
Peace be also with you.