September 11, 2010

The Towers Fall Down

My tribute to 9/11 is here .

I am participating in Saturday Centus . A weekly writing meme based on a prompt .

WEEK 19 PROMPT- September 11,2001

I stood frozen in front of the flickering images on my TV. I could not believe what I was hearing. In that horrible breaking news report , I saw incredulous scenes like something out of a sci-fi movie. Two planes exploded into two buildings in Manhattan , into The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center . The message was clear; America was hit by a terrorist attack . People were dying! I saw them jumpin out of the burning windows, to their death . I watched until the two tallest buildings in the world collapsed into a giant tsunami cloud , covering everything in dust and people were running for their lives thinking it was deadly poison .


  1. That huge cloud of debris has haunted me since the minute I saw it.

  2. Those horrific images were shown wall-to wall, 24x7...until they were burned indelibly in our brains.

  3. Yes, those images are frozen in our minds. And I think it's a good thing. We need to remember those we lost, and those who gave themselves to help others.

  4. You said it . It's taken nine years for it just to sink into my brain lol . I saw the horror of it on tv this day in 2001 but I live in Canada so it didn't affect me much ,just like it didn't affect me when America bombed Iraq . Someday it will .

  5. It was unthinkable. I can still see it.

    Thanks for sharing. We need to remember.

  6. I often thought it looked unreal. Like you said something out of a Sci-Fi movie. Too bad that wasn't the case.

  7. The cloud was not mushroom shaped...but just an onminous, a toxic cloud for sure.

  8. Sad day...heartbreaking...some events never leave our memory...this is one that I wish would...and everything that has happened since...nice job...Peace

  9. It did have the unbelievable feel of a sci-fi movie. I remember thinking "This doesn't seems like it could possibly be true."

  10. It was deadly poison, wasn't it? Casting fear and finger pointing all over the globe.

    Thank you for sharing our little SC community in remembrance this week.

    I appreciate your link. I appreciate your story.


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