September 22, 2020

Sketchtember 2020 - Precious Metal

The #sketchtember prompt for today is Precious Metal. Seriously though? these kinds of precious metals are always accepted

I will be doing a lot of drawing hopefully every day in the month of October because I'm taking part in a few blog challenges which include...: #artober - #inktober #wierdtober #drawlloween  AND #sketchtember but it's too late for that one so whatever. 

I am simply an old girl who wishes to draw like an artist and who has a sketchbook to fill. So, needless to say, I am not 'Picasso'. However, I enjoy pencil sketching and by that, I mean tracing lol. 
Go go gadget light tracer!! 

Let us know if you are participating in any blogging event also. I will be happy to visit you. Thanks for sharing! 

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