July 29, 2011

Impulsive Driving

photo by RileyJoseph
Recently , I got into an accident because I am an impulsive driver. I was at a stop behind a truck underneath a bridge and the two lanes were really narrow . I thought I was in the wrong turning lane ; I wanted to go left and I was in the right lane so I mistakenly maneuvered my way into the left lane and I managed to take the trucks left back tail light off and my sideview mirror , sideswiping both cars ugh. That was my first fender bender .

That's probably not the most impulsive thing I've ever done but it's recent .

July 27, 2011

Calgary has the most friendly people

Edworthy Park
This is why Calgarians are so friendly . They are ready to help their neighbour in need and offer a friendly 'hello or 'good mornin' when you walk or ride by them on the bike paths . Most of them have a smile too.

Just the other day , I was riding my bike along the river near Edworthy Park and I was having problems with my gears and the chain came off the spokes and I didn't know how to get it back on . I got off my bike , sat down on the side of the path and a total stranger came running by and asked me if I was alright . I said "My chain came off and I don't know how to put it back on " . He automatically turned the tires and the chain was back on . Amazing! I really appreciated his help and I thought what a nice guy to help me out like that!

Some of them on the path greeted me with 'good mornin' . That was very odd . But here is the thing: that day I over-exerted myself and when I was done I ended up fainting BUT I couldn't believe how helpful people were .

When I had come to, there was one lady on her cell phone calling an ambulance for me . another lady offered me some of her water, two other persons were shading me from the hot sun with a blanket and I don't know what I would have done if people weren't so friendly . On top of that I had the nicest paramedic . He was so eager to offer his services and give me some good advice . They drove me in a golf cart to where my car was. I have to tell you that I was doing the master cleanse and I was on my 13th day . Not eating , coupled with the heat and over working my body just caused me to faint .
Calgary definitely has the most friendliest people .

July 18, 2011

My Longest Road Trip

King's Highway 17 - Ontario
It was so long that I don't even remember it plus it was a long time ago . The road went on forever . It was when I travelled from Sarnia Ontario to Calgary with my grandmother and my aunt and another older man I didn't even know . The trans-canada highway is the longest national highway in the world that stretches from St.Johns Newfoundland to Victoria British columbia . I thought we'd never make it out of the great lakes UGH! the road was long and winding and we drove all the way around them. I think just to get out of ontario took us 3 days and the whole trip was about 5 days. Anyway I was completely and utterly BORED STIFF! I had the back seat all to myself so I pretty much slept through most of it , but what I do remember is that it was my longest road trip ever .

July 17, 2011

Light A Candle For Christian Unity

click here

What's the perfect age to retire?

we're aristocrats bitches!

retire from what? If it is from worldly affairs than I suppose when you are born. God didn't lead the children of Israel into the wilderness to put a yoke back on them . He wanted to show them that if they believed in Him then He would take care of them . They formerly lived as slaves in Egypt , working for their bread under the tyranny of Pharoah.

I consider the slaves in Egypt analogous to the workers of this world <-the whore of babylon. "Lifes a bitch and then you die " is a famous cliche and for good reason . How hard is it to work in society for a decent wage ? I mean if you aren't your own boss or own your own company it's extremely hard to make ends meet , and your lucky if you make it to age 65 in good health. It's like you must sacrifice your health if you want to make a living :/

July 16, 2011

Famous Stampede City

C-A-L-G-A-R-Y ......the famous stampede city-in the valley of the bow ... Weeeeehaawwww :)
Well it's Stampede week in Calgary ! Kicking it off with the Parade Fri July 8, we saw the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Will & Kate) in Calgary on their 2011 Royal Canadian Tour . I mean WOW! I wonder , if the smell of horse manure on the road, made it less appealing ...  I felt kinda embarrassed for that . Anywho , it will all come to an end this Sunday July 17th. I haven't made it down to the grounds myself, neither have I shared any pancakes this year.

July 14, 2011

The Truth Will Make You LOL

H/T to Ironic Catholic via Creative Minority Report

Lolol . It reminds me of something I heard on a prophetic website once . Blessed Mother called St. Michael "Golden boy" . This is perfectly accurate . Silence AND St. Michael are golden haha!

A Call To Repentance and Reconciliation

July 1, 2011

Will You Pray the Rosary?

by Fr. John Abberton
Many have no problem with the Orthodox prayer (the "Jesus prayer") but some people have questions about the five decade Rosary either because they find it difficult or because it is "too Catholic" and not part of their tradition - yet, Jesus and His Mother ask us to use it. As we know from the messages of 'True Life in God', Our Lord, Jesus Christ, wants us to have a proper respect and love for His Mother. She, in her turn says, "Do whatever He tells you".

Research shows that the "Catholic" Rosary was known to Christians in the West before the Reformation. It is, then, a pre-Reformation prayer. Legend tells us that it originated with St. Dominic (founder of the Order of Preachers or the Dominicans), but there is no real evidence for this. The Rosary as we now have it dates from the seventeenth century, but this is a development from vita Christi (The Life of Christ) Meditations dating, at least, from the twelfth century, and Our Dear Lady's Psalter (as set out by a Dominican in 1483). It is worthwhile looking at these two devotions.

It was another Dominic, a Cistercian monk, who put together meditation on the life of Christ with the repetition of Ave Maria in sets of 50 prayers. This is dated as between 1409 and 1415. This is the essence of the Rosary as we know it today.

A study of German devotional writing of the Middle Ages (by Anne Winston) suggests that by the thirteenth century, the 'Marien Rosenkrantz' (Rose Garland or wreath) consisted of the recitation of 50 'Aves' (not, by then the complete 'Hail Mary' as we have it now, although the intention of the second part is virtually the same). To keep track of these prayers, a string of beads came into being (a 'Zapel' or chaplet) which became known as the 'Ave' or 'Paternoster' beads because they were used to mark off these prayers. At the same time the practice of private recitation of the psalms began, as a replacement for the traditional canonical hours. The Marian Psalter included verses as introductions for each psalm interpreting them in relation to Christ or His Holy Mother. As time progressed, the psalms themselves disappeared, leaving the stanzas and then, instead of the psalms, 'Paternosters' or 'Ave Marias'.

Further development is associated with the Carthusians at Trèves. Adolf of Essen and a fellow monk, Dominic of Prussia combined the recitation of 'Ave's' with meditations on the life of Christ and Our Lady and included what came to be known as the 'Jesus Clause'. The Hail Mary became a kind of 'Jesus prayer' because of these additional clauses. From this time we can certainly say that the Marian Rosary was Christocentric.

In 1483 the Dominican book, "Our Dear Lady's Psalter" reduced the 50 meditation points to 15. Except for the last two these correspond to the 15 mysteries we know today. Another Dominican, Alberto da Castello, wrote "The Rosary of the Glorious Virgin" (1521). He was the first to use the term 'mysteries' for the meditation points.

During the sixteenth century the Rosary of 15 mysteries, with the Jesus Clauses, became the accepted form.

Another interesting point is that the first part of the Hail Mary is found in the Eastern Liturgy from the fifth century. Marian devotion is not a Roman Catholic invention. The Orthodox world is rich with both beautiful prayers and magnificent icons relating to the Mother of God. Early Christian Tradition leaves us in no doubt that asking Mary's prayers is a normal part of orthodox Christian life.

If most people no longer use the Jesus Clauses (there are some Rosary books which do) this does not mean that the Rosary is not Christocentric. We need only refer to the writings of modern Popes, like Paul VI and the late John Paul II to see that. The Rosary invites us into the Gospel story in the company of the Mother of Christ. There can be no surer guide.

(Please see the book "Beads and Prayers: The Rosary in History and Devotion" by John D. Miller)