Narrated by : Jim Frangione
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This is how the Epilogue and first chapter felt like... In the words of J.R Ward: "...she tried to pull something worth hearing out of her ass." Ugh! what nonsense and Wrath's treatment of Beth was horrible! On top of it all I can't stand the narrator, Jim Frangione. He keeps pronouncing Xcor like Score when the X should be silent and Xhex like Zhex when it should be pronounced Hex. Not to mention Trez ugh! I always pronounced it like tray. Who the hell says Trèz? Jeez louise.
What a terrible start to book #12. There was a time when I chewed these books up one after another cause I couldn't get enough but I guess that's what happens when you have to wait so long. You fall out of love. I love the black dagger brotherhood but who the hell is Abalone? and why should the glymera want him as King? I thought Xcor wanted to usurp the throne? wtf man? I am one who happened to like the Band of Bastards. I didn't see them as bad, only Old School. The Lessers however are just annoying and stupid just like the Omega. I can recall only one incident in The King where a lesser gets wiped out.
Relationships between Xcor and Layla, Assail and Sola aka Marisol, Trez and Selena left us hanging cause honestly, there just isn't enough space to write about them in a book that is supposed to be about Beth and Wrath!*eyeroll* In fact what I dislike most about J.R. Wards writings, particularly of the BDB, is that she crams too many stories into one. I also had no interest in reading about Wrath's parents. I found it grueling and to think I waited a year for this?!! Never again. I'm going to wait until the next one is in paperback and more affordable.
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