September 28, 2013

Boo Berry The Cryptkeeper

I've been busy gearing up for an allhallowsread blogoween and the task isn't going to be an easy one. Starting in October, I will be joining with all kinds of halloween bloggers in the 2013 Countdown To Halloween, where I am posing as the Boo Berry Cryptkeeper. It is my desire to share a few scary books for this halloween facade and festivity and I'm also counting on boo berry to help me from being scared to death. Sorta like Bob the Skull was to Harry Dresden

If I do get scared from all the horror I will turn into bruised berry causing me to swear repletively and then I'll be the scary one *shivers.
from Tom Krohne's site
As far as it goes, I had never read a Stephen King novel or liked reading horror books or movies before. BUT I am determined to slowly change that. So, I've made some book choices, some horror, some not so much, that I will be sharing with you all in the next month. I've realized though, that I generally prefer paranormal to horror. Ghosts don't scare me, they never have, at least not yet anyway. Enjoy yourselves this Halloween folks!

1 comment :

  1. I'm having a horror book month over at the blog to try and get through some of the tbrs I've had sitting there for years. Maybe squeeze in some urban fantasy as well...Your cryptkeeper is so cute I want to cuddle him!


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