Audiobook narrated by Will Patton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Brady 'Honeyboy' Hartfield is one creepy and disturbed character whom I could believe is real because of such people like Ted Bundy. I was engrossed in page after page of how the perpetrator was so close yet failed to get caught. How did that happen? Brady may have evaded getting caught in the City Center Massacre that killed 8 people but he was never going to allow anyone to take his recognition as a massive killer away from him as he prided himself in it. Ugh! what a sicko! He may have promised Hodges the retired detective -DET RET that he would never do it again, but he had plans on killing again.
Even though I'd enjoyed a few books by Stephen King, I am not a big fan. He's such a cynic and he shows it in his writings on just about everything. i.e.:
"To Hodges she looks like Princess Leia after a year on the Karen Carpenter diet?"really? I was interested in the characters like Jerome and Holly; the main "heroes", but I was sad about what happens to Hodges' love interest Janey, because I liked her a lot.
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