CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I didn't want it to end because I will miss Simon, Jace, and all the gang but I plan to re-read it.
What I didn't expect from reading the last book of the Mortal Instrument series was the introduction of two new characters that promise to have a fulfilling lifetime ahead of them in the Dark Artifices series which continues with Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn who allegedly become parabatais AND are in love. I wasn't much into reading about Emma and Julian in City of Heavenly Fire when there was already so much going on. On the other hand, reading about Brother Zacharias aka Jem Carstairs and Tessa Gray was worth all the glitter in Magnus' loft and then some.
Magnus Bane also revealed some secrets of his own [Asmodeus *cough ]
Sebastian aka Jonathan Morgenstern [dies in the end. ] I know big surprise right? But, the way it was done and how, you'll have to find out for yourself by reading the book. I didn't care about the other characters who died , honestly.
I hope in the upcoming books we will read about Isabelle aka Izzy Lightwood being an Iron Sister but that prediction is just way too far off . On the other hand I don't think she would make a good wife but you never know.
As for Simon the vampire, I definitely miss him like all his other downworlder friends do, but [he's not dead anymore! I wonder if chairman meow could spark some of Simons memories. Did I mention he lost his memories? When the gang found themselves in Edom, with no escape, Simon bargained his soul in exchange for a safe passage, only he would never remember his downworlder friends , BUT he would be human again and alive with a beating heart! Simon never liked being a vampire anyway so I could see how much he wanted it. I don't blame him but if it were me I wouldn't mourn his loss because that is what he wanted and they should've rejoiced instead, but meh, they just couldn't stay away from him and with a little of Magnus' magic they get Simon to remember things , sort of *shrugs* . ] I don't see how Simon could ever live a normal life and I feel they are putting themselves and Simon again in jeopardy. Poor guy lol.
The pursuit of Sebastian in the realm of Edom was a lot of fantastic and unexpected but intense and enjoyable moments including the deliverance of Clary's real brother. It was after the portals were destroyed with the hope of ever escaping, that Cassie, Jace, Simon, Isabelle, Alec, Magnus, Luke and Jocelyn , had to find a way home [and that is when Simon made a bargain with Asmodeus, the Prince of Edom. ]
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About City of Heavenly Fire -Author's Synopsis
“In the long-awaited conclusion to the acclaimed Mortal Instruments series, Clary and her friends fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary’s own brother.
Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Dark Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures out of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell.
The embattled Shadowhunters withdraw to Idris — but not even the famed demon towers of Alicante can keep Sebastian at bay. And with the Nephilim trapped in Idris, who will guard the world against demons?
When one of the greatest betrayals the Nephilim have ever known is revealed, (The Fairy Queen allies with Sebastian) Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec must flee — even if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms, where no Shadowhunter has set foot before, and from which no human being has ever returned …
Love will be sacrificed and lives lost in the terrible battle for the fate of the world in the thrilling final installment of the classic urban fantasy series The Mortal Instruments!”
*This is the beautiful illustration that is hidden on the inside hardcover books jacket

About Cassie

Cassandra Clare was born to American parents in Teheran, Iran and spent much of her childhood travelling the world with her family, including one trek through the Himalayas as a toddler where she spent a month living in her father’s backpack. She lived in France, England and Switzerland before she was ten years old. Since her family moved around so much she found familiarity in books and went everywhere with a book under her arm. She spent her high school years in Los Angeles where she used to write stories to amuse her classmates, including an epic novel called “The Beautiful Cassandra” based on a Jane Austen short story of the same name (and which later inspired her current pen name). After college, Cassie lived in Los Angeles and New York where she worked at various entertainment magazines and even some rather suspect tabloids where she reported on Brad and Angelina’s world travels and Britney Spears’ wardrobe malfunctions. She started working on her YA novel, City of Bones, in 2004, inspired by the urban landscape of Manhattan, her favourite city. She turned to writing fantasy fiction full time in 2006 and hopes never to have to write about Paris Hilton again. Cassie’s first professional writing sale was a short story called “The Girl’s Guide to Defeating the Dark Lord” in a Baen anthology of humor fantasy. Cassie hates working at home alone because she always gets distracted by reality TV shows and the antics of her two cats, so she usually sets out to write in local coffee shops and restaurants. She likes to work in the company of her friends, who see that she sticks to her deadlines.City of Bones was her first novel.
I cannot believe that The Mortal Instruments is finally over. It breaks my heart. I would recommend this series to just about anyone. It’s a must-read. Any fans of the series who haven’t read CoHF need to get on it immediately. This is everything a fan wanted and more and now I cannot wait for Lady Midnight!
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