September 21, 2018

Book Blogger Hop

The question of the week

Do you like to finish one book before starting the next or do you read several at once? (submitted by Cathy @ What Cathy Read Next)
I can't begin to express how frustrated I am with books right now. I am concentrating so dang hard and nothing is grabbing my attention. I don't know if it's the book or just me. I'm not one hundred percent certain it's me. There is always room for improvement in my choices of books and I sometimes can't concentrate but come on! I am getting sick of paranormal fantasy Idk. Maybe I should step out of the proverbial comfort zone and choose some other genre for a while. I've been thinking about adult fiction or new adult fiction.
Presently I am reading Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews and Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron. I'm also listening to an audiobook, Under A Dark Sky. I'm having a hard time keeping up. Typically, I have a hard time paying attention to just listening to an audiobook. Anyway, no it doesn't work for me. I prefer to finish one book before I start another one. 


  1. It sounds like you've hit a reading slump. I am sorry to hear it. Sometimes if I read too much of one genre, I get tired of it, and so I am constantly trying to mix things up with my reading. Maybe, as you suggest, trying something different will help. For me, it often depends on why I'm in the slump. Sometimes trying something different works, or turning to comfort reads. Or even not reading at all, but giving my attention to something else I enjoy doing for awhile. It's different for everyone. I hope you are able to connect with your reading again soon!

    As for reading more than one book at a time, I do it on occasion--a lot this year, actually since I am participating in two year long read-alongs. It's slowed my reading down some, but I haven't had any issues with separating the books from one another. If anything, I get stuck because I want to read them all at once and that's just not possible.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. lol same here. I begin reading a book and think how am I going to get through this it's going to take me weeks! When you need to read so many other ones for the readathon. Anyway, Thanks for visiting! Have a great weekend as well.

  2. I have been in much of a reading slump this year. It's been getting better, but it has been work!

    I would definitely recommend going outside your comfort zone. I feel into a reading slump for a period of years. It wasn't until I picked up a random book that seemed interesting and flew through it that I realized the problem was that I was limiting myself! (My preferred genre is high fantasy and the book that knocked me out of my slump was Memoirs of a Geisha.)

    I've also been forcing myself to finish books I might normally toss into the DNF pile. It doesn't make me like those books, but it does allow me to check a book as read.

    Good luck and I hope you get out of your slump soon!

    1. Thanks for your kind encouragements. I hate DNF'ing a book as well and you are right about that.

  3. Oh no! I hate when that happens!!! When I get into the same situation, I try to read something totally different from what I had been reading. Is there a novella or graphic novel that you'd had on your radar? Sometimes reading something short helps me as well :) Good luck!!

  4. I hate reading slumps. I generally get a couple a year and nothing seems to get me out of it except watching TV until I feel like reading again. It sucks. I read one book at a time so I can just concentrate on it until it's done then grab the next one. I can't do these multiple reads at all as I don't feel I'm getting anywhere with several on the go!

    1. I feel the same. It disturbs me when I can't remember what I was reading so ya. One book at a time please.

  5. Hope you can get out of your slump and find your reading mojo again soon.

    Have a great weekend. - Katie

  6. Oh, I have sometimes felt the very same way you are feeling right now. I hate it when that happens! You're just going through a reading slump, as the other commenters have mentioned. I think you should indeed grab a book from a genre you wouldn't normally read, and see how that goes. Or maybe read a paranormal author you haven't read before, one that you might have never wanted to read for some reason.

    Another suggestion I have for you is to do a Google search on how to get out of a reading slump. I'm sure you'd be able to find some very helpful Internet posts on how to do that.

    I don't like to listen to an audiobook unless I've already read the physical book (I mostly prefer printed books, too). I did that with The Twilight Saga. After reading all four books at least twice, I then bought the audiobooks, and listened to the first two. But this is rare for me. I don't know, I just prefer to read books.

    I wonder if there are any groups on Goodreads that deal with reading slumps. You could check that out, too. Other GR members could help you with their own suggestions.

    Thanks for sharing!! Hope you can pull out of that slump soon! <3 :)


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