September 26, 2018

Countdown To Halloween

I've been preparing for Blogoween, Fraterfest and for the Countdown to Halloween which kicks off in 5 days! I'm so excited to be participating in all of the Halloween festivities. If you want to join and/or want to know more about these events click the links and a new tab will open.


  1. In my area there is no Halloween at all! People coming to your door is very rare-I think we had one person about 6 years ago and that's it! It's not a big thing here and I'm glad-I'd hate all the interruptions to my Halloween film and book night!

  2. I live in an adult apartment so I don't get any kids at my door either. I wish I did. Although it saves me buying a ton of candy :) but I also like decorating and carving pumpkins which I can still do in the buildings foyer. Kids come to the front entrance of the building still and there is a big bowl of candy if they want cause there are a lot of kids around. The tenants usually eat it all lol

  3. I love all the October stuff too, and I'm doing FraterFest as well. I love this time of year...


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