January 1, 2011

The Fail List

This post is linked to Saturday centus. An Up to 100-word writing meme based on a prompt .
This week the prompt is in blockquotes . I chose to take advantage of our 'gift'  this week cause "I never look a gift horse in the mouth" :)
"Her crumpled up list of resolutions..."
The Fail List 

She didn't need to make life more complicated than it was already . Failure was not something she wanted but it evidently always ended up that way. Her life was worth more than "her crumpled up list of resolutions..." she thought.

Jenny Matlock


  1. Yes indeed...worth so very much more! Happy New Year Jackie!

  2. Short & sweet but I like it!!

  3. Fail list - the perfect title for a resolution list. Which is exactly why I don't make them anymore! Nice take on the prompt. Kat

  4. Dear Jackie,

    "The Fail List". I like it. I mean, it could be the title of a novel! The plot could be built up of a series of different attempts to do things that ultimately fail.

    I like your centus. Well done! No failure there!

    Hugs & best wishes for 2011!
    Anna's SC#35

  5. You've said it all in such few words. Who needs to set themselves up for failure with the same list of resolutions every year?

    The Fail Whale is so happy though!

  6. Good take on the prompt, Jackie!

  7. OOOOH Amen sista! I like this!~Ames

  8. Good thoughts on this. I think more and more people are coming to this conclusion. Good job.

  9. So true! Resolutions are just planned disappointments! Great job.


  10. Good take on the prompt Jackie and a happt new year to you. :-)

  11. I like the words, 'fail list'.

    I never thought of it in those terms before but it feels so right.

    Love your graphic.

    Neat use of the prompt.


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