So in case you are wondering why I'm doing all this it's because of my health . Over the last 5 years or so I've experienced dizziness, numbness in areas of my legs and fingers, high blood pressure, and of course I had to quit smoking and guess what? I did it ! I've not had a regular smoke in over a week! Oh yes I do Greensmoke I also want to clear up my acne rosacea . I have suffered with acne since I was a teenager . Although at one point it was so bad the doctor put me on Acutane , which was supposed to cure it; it cleared my skin but never really got to the cause . so now that I am an adult it apparently resurfaced and is called adult acne and/or rosacea .
I learnt that Acne is not a disease but a cure for the many toxic substances that we all ingest such as , cooked foods, meats, dairy products and processed junk . It could be worse couldn't it . I have been losing a lot of my hair too . So , I'm on a personal quest to try to do everything I can to remedy this SAD situation . It's about time I took responsibility for my health . I need to start listening to my body and add more greens in my diet and learn to live healthy because I don't want to die or experience anymore debilitating diseases that the SAD (standard American diet) produces.
So for me it begins with the master cleanse aka lemonade diet and green smoothies. I will be going to buy a box of oranges and then blend them up and strain them through a nut milk bag or some strainer to get the pulp out . That's all I can do because I can't afford a good juicer right now and I don't believe this 'Raw Diet' has to be expensive . C'mon ! I might need to purchase a better blender eventually but for now my Osterizer works just fine .
What I mean by eating Raw is by eating fruits and vegetables and all kinds of leafy greens, nuts and seeds in their natural forms . I mean uncooked food. This is what I am going to be consuming . I have already lost 17 pounds since January 1st woot woot!! I started losing weight by drinking green smoothies . If you want to know who the real green smoothie queen is click HERE
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