October 4, 2011

It's My Birthday !

When my boyfriend took a really hot shower this morning the steam set off the fire alarm . It's not every morning I wake up by fire alarm and when your birthday falls on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi it isn't fair because I want people to wish me a happy birthday too dangit ! I think someone knows me better than I do - hint: God! Thanks to JackFM I got a second birthday greeting so early this morning after my boyfriend.

Happy Birthday Jackie!

Let us be the first to tell you that you look a year older... I mean be the first to tell you Happy Birthday.

 I bet you thought we wouldn't remember. Well we did and we even got you some presents. We deposited 1000 JACK FREELOADER points into your account and we will be by later to give you birthday spanks... probably not but don't let that stop you from having a great birthday.
 Matt + Eric

Thanks guys! I will try to set the world on fire :)

This just in ....

My Ghoul Friday

 With it being your b-day too, you have no excuse not to indulge. Happy birthday!
3 minutes ago via web

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