April 11, 2018

A to Z Challenge: The Letter J - Jericho Barrons

My A to Z Challenge contains names, places and things that are found in a series of books called The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. If you haven't read these books, which I recommend, please be aware there will be spoilers.

J is for Jericho Barrons

Jericho Barrons is a main character and one of the immortals who reside in Dublin, many at Chester's nightclub. Jericho is their recognized leader, although Ryodan issues and enforces most of Barrons' orders. He stands six feet three inches tall with black hair and brown eyes weighing 245 pounds, born October 31, allegedly thirty-one years old. His middle initial is Z, which stands for Zigor, meaning either "the punished" or "the Punisher," depending on dialect. He is adept in magic, a mighty warder, fluent in the druid art of Voice, an avid collector of antiquities and supercars. He despises words, believes in being judged by one's actions alone. No one knows how long the Nine have been alive, but references seem to indicate more than ten thousand years. If Barrons is Killed, he is reborn at an unknown location precisely the same as he was the first time he died. Like all of the Nine, Barrons has an animal form, a skin he can don at will or if pushed. He was seeking a way to end his son's suffering hence his quest to obtain the most potent Book of magic ever created, the Sinsar Dubh. In Shadowfever, Mac helps him lay his son to final rest by using the ancient Hunter, K'Vruck, to kill him.
The Nine | Karen Marie Moning, http://karenmoning.com/the-nine/ (accessed March 20, 2018).

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