Inspiring . Love-it . Read my post Matthew Kelly is a great speaker
The link above is my attempt of telling the story as I remembered it , but I will include the real story of the successful businessman from page 122 of the book Our Father in this review.
I believe God has gifted this visionary with powerful life lessons along with the ability to be one of the greatest public speakers the world has seen today. Matthew Kelly tells of how God spoke to him (page 93) and the stories he relays are full of wisdom and truth . I went to see him once when he came to Calgary about 14 years ago and he had my attention from start to finish. I particularly loved this story .
Excerpt :
There was a very successful businessman one day, who had a very large company, but business was not too good and his company was in a lot of trouble. From all external signs it appeared that his company was going to go down and his competitors were ready to pounce on his market share.View all my reviews
None the less this man had a plan that he knew, without a doubt, would revive his company.
It was Saturday morning and he was preparing a speech to give at his company's annual dinner for staff that evening. He wanted to show them the first part of the plan, but more than that he wanted to emphasize to them, that if his plan was to be successfully and speedily executed it was dependent on the individual response of each one of his employees.
He was writing his speech and his wife had to go out shopping. Within ten minutes of his wife being gone there was a knock on the study door, and there appeared his young seven year old son and exclaimed, "Dad, I'm bored.
And so the father half tried to amuse the child by playing a game with him whilst half trying to write and finish his speech at the same time. This went on for nearly two hours until he worked out that, unless he could find some other way to amuse his son, he was not going to finish his speech in time.
So he picked up a magazine, and flicked through the magazine until he found a large brightly colored map of the world and he tore the page out and ripped it into many pieces. Knowing his son was already influenced by his business initiative, the father threw the pieces all over the living room floor, with the words, "Son, if you can put the map of the world back together, I will give you a dollar."
The child rushed to the task and the father returned to his study believing that he had just bought himself two, maybe three hours to do his speech because the father also knew that his seven year old son had no idea what the map of the world looked like. But within ten minutes, there was a knock on the study door, and there appeared his son smiling with the completed puzzle.
The father in amazement said to the child, "Son, how did you finish it so quickly?"
The child smiled larger than ever and said, "Well, I had no idea what the map of the world looked like Dad, but there was a picture of a man on the back."
The child then continued saying, "I put a piece of paper down, I put the picture of a man together, I put another piece of paper on top and tuned them both over. I took the top piece of paper off and there was the world, complete and in order."
The father stood there in silence and amazement, and the boy continued once more.
"Dad, I figured, if I got the man right, the world would be right."
And this is what God is saying to you and I today.....
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