April 6, 2020

Excuse my French!

#AtoZChallenge 2020 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter E

Teacher: Étes-vous jumelles?
Me: Non, nous sommes Canadienne.
Teacher: Are you twins?
Me: No, we are Canadian

I started grade one in the French school of Algiers except that wasn't horrifying enough when my teacher asked us a question in French, I didn't know what a 'jumelle' was.

À l'école it was a strange and awkward experience to be entirely in the same room with my sister who was in second-grade. Anyway, our teacher asked us, in front of everyone in the room, if we were twins, in french. I thought she wanted to know what our ethnic origin was. There was no denying I didn't know what jumelle meant. I would've had to ask in English but I proudly told her we were Canadian. To ask if we were twins was an odd question - why? Having two or three grades in one classroom wasn't our fault and we don't even look alike!

That was one of my earliest memories of feeling embarrassed. If it weren't for my sister I probably would have been okay but she had a way of letting me know I wasn't ( ˘︹˘ ) 


  1. Learning a new languge - comes with its share of unsual moments. I still have it when it comes to Indian regional Language Tamil. When people say numbers[ like time/ amount] in numbers- I m blank - look for English to support.

  2. I love the way children logically answer a question.
    If the teacher had a brain she would have looked at her roster to see what grade you each were in.
    Engaging post.
    Hope you are enjoying the A to Z challenge.
    The letter E

  3. Oui, situation embarrassante !! Et drôle de question...
    This, is for remembering your French ;))

    E is for Embroirery

  4. I have so many memories of being embarrassed, and (at least) one of being embarrassed in French. In college, I accidentally told my French professor "nice a**hole." Gives "excuse my French" a whole new meaning!


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