January 3, 2010

Who Has Exalted God The Most?

The New Eve has; yes! the Woman adorned with the sun, standing on the moon, with the twelve stars on Her Head for a crown; - Rev 12:1

Jesus gave us a meditation on the 3rd joyful mystery : The Nativity (Mt 2.1-12 ; Lk 2.1-20): “it is in that Heart, in that Abyss of grace, I exercised My power ~ the Author of heaven and earth, the Author of grace found His heaven in heaven, His grace in grace, to come in the condition of a slave; I came to Prodigious Humility1 to serve and not to be served; I, the Redeemer of all mankind, the promised Messiah, came to the perfect image of My Sacred Heart to share the sorrows, the joys, the sufferings, the martyrdom, the wonders, the betrayals, the agonies, the scourging, the piercing, and the crucifixion; together Our Hearts atoned; ...” (25.3.96)

1 Our Blessed Mother

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