Letter G Chapter 7: Gamemaker Grudge
She starts worrying about the training in the next 3 days and how well she will perform for the Gamemakers.
Peeta speaks highly of Katniss and her hunting skills and they decide to train together as a team. When he thinks there is no way he can win with his lack of skills, Katniss reminds everyone that Peeta can lift hundred pound bags of flour. Lol poor Peeta, he is such a good sport. I get a chuckle when he says "Yes, I'm sure the arena will be full of bags of flour for me to chuck at people". Katniss defends Peeta by saying he can wrestle. That's good. Peeta still isn't convinced. I think maybe he's feeling a little bit sorry for himself and he gets upset when he tells us about how his mother thought District 12 might have a winner because Katniss was a survivor. I think it made him jealous.
The training room is a big gymnasium below ground level. The gamemakers sit above the room and observe to see how the tributes do while they judge them. At the end of the training sessions they each have a chance to show their special skills privately. The gamemakers then decide on a final score for each of them. I guess the higher the score the better chances of being sponsored.
I hope to get to this book eventually. I'm sure I'll watch the movie when it comes out on DVD.
A Few Words
An A to Z Co-host blog
Arlee: You've said that before. Am I ruining it for you? I hope not, cause I'm not that good but perhaps I'm turning you off? ...anyway by all means read the books Arlee! :P