I made my first communion at Christmas time many years ago. We lived in Algiers and I remember wearing a white communion dress my mother made. She got us to memorize the Act of Contrition too. I can remember reciting it and practicing it in front of my mother and trying to mean every word I said but I didn't know what I had ever done wrong so it wasn't that I felt any remorse. I think rather I had great expectations.
In preparing for my first communion I was invited by the priest to go up near the crib to just say hello and talk to Jesus but I don't think I fully grasped the meaning of it all, even though I knew I was about to receive him in my heart that Christmas. I was supposed to invite him in my heart and I didn't know or love him as I ought to have because I had no words to say. I was totally inadequate , like a filthy rag, but through it all I trusted and hoped He would show me how to Love him .
Looking back, I should have asked Jesus' Mother and Our Mother for help . After all she was in the manger too, as was Joseph and the shepherds . Lol , Oh well better late than never. She certainly does lead us to her Son. She is the Queen of Heaven. Besides, Faith and Love are virtues and GREAT GIFTS OF GRACE that need to grow. Nevertheless, I felt really secure knowing that God loved me , after all we belong to Him.
Even so, the Catholic Church has always felt like home to me. Home is where the heart is and the Heart of the Church is the Holy Spirit.
That year Jesus was born in me. It was an extra special and memorable Christmas for me and my sister that I will cherish forever .
“Jesus, thank you for setting me free and shining your light into my life. Teach me how to have it to the full.”
Here is the Act of Contrition that I memorized for my First Communion and I always say it this way .
O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You.
because of my sins, I deserve the pains of hell
but most of all because they have offended you O God
who art all good and deserving of all my Love.
I firmly resolve with the help of Your Grace
To confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life.
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