December 27, 2010

Something to think and pray about this week

brought to you by Sacred Space

If Jesus were to appear in our world, he would be born unnoticed, to a good, struggling family in Ecuador, Uzbekistan or some place usually out of the news. People would be puzzled, "Where is that place?" He would not be on television, nor would he occupy a centre of power or wealth. He would be pushed around, slandered and criticised. He would speak simple truths and some would listen to him and recognise the voice of God. The good news would spread slowly, as it did two thousand years ago. It would graft onto whatever was good in the world. The brokers of power and wealth would not notice it, nor offer their sponsorship. The happy irony of today is that after the first two thousand years, the good news is so widespread that, whether they know it or not, the whole human race is richer for Jesus' birthday.

Here's something else to think about:
God has often forgiven sinners, but He never forgives sin. - Arthur Pink

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